
Atlas 414 - 14,000 lb. Capacity 4-Post Lift

Atlas Equipment

Please call us for customization options.

The Atlas® 414 14,000 pound capacity four post lifts are designed and built to commercial grade standards and will provide many years of service. All of our Atlas® lifts offer many exclusive features not found on many other competitor's lifts. 

Drive-through off-ramps are available as an option. 

The Atlas® 414 (14,000 LB. capacity four post lift) incorporates many structural and cosmetic features that are found on lifts costing thousands of dollars more money. The Atlas® 414 is tested to ensure that this lift system will perform flawlessly at its rated capacities. The Atlas® 414 has been manufactured to the same exacting specifications for many years. 

The Atlas® 414 uses a high strength cable system (with a under runway oversized hydraulic cylinder) powered by a 220 volt (single phase) power unit to raise and lower the lift. Many competitors use an "old style" chain lifting system with an exposed hydraulic cylinder system. Old style chain lifts are difficult to "level" properly and the exposed hydraulic cylinder is responsible for numerous "door dings".

Atlas® 414 Specifications
Capacity 14,000 LB.
Lifting Height 74" (6' 2")
Overall Width of Columns (Without Motor) 130 1/2" (10' 10 1/2")
Overall Width of Columns (With Motor) 142" (11' 10")
Overall Length with Approach Ramps 256 1/2" (21' 4 1/2")
Overall Length without Approach Ramps 217 3/8" (18' 1 3/8")
Length Between Columns 196 3/4" (16' 4 3/4")
Runway Length 207" (17' 3")
Runway Width 22"
Thickness of Runway 6 1/2"
Width Between Runways 44" (3' 8") *
Width Between Runway Rails 40 3/8" (3' 4 3/8") *
Outside Runway to Outside Runway 83 5/8" (6' 11 5/8")*
Clearance Under Runways 67 1/2" (5' 7 1/2")
Column Dimension 8 1/2" x 5 1/2"
Base of Column 12" x 9 1/2"
Clearance Between columns 116" (9' 8")
Height of Columns 86" (7' 2")
Maximum Wheel Base 186" (15' 6")
Drive Thru 102" (8' 6")
Column Thickness of Steel 3.5mm
Platform Thickness of Steel 6mm
Cross Beam Thickness of Steel 6mm
Cable Diameter 1/2"
Motor 2 HP 220V +/- 5% (209-231volts) 1 phase.
A 30 amp breaker is required.
Oil Requirement 3-5 Gallons AW32/AW46
Shipping Weight 3,200 LBS.
Ramp Length 50" (4' 2")


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